Welcome to the Tiki Central 2.0 Beta. Read the announcement
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Celebrating classic and modern Polynesian Pop

Tiki Central / Tiki Central Ohana

New from Vancouver Island, BC

Pages: 1 2 replies

Just got back from North Shore Oahu the other week and was bit by the Tiki bug. I've always had a love for Tiki thanks in part to Disney's parks but now I'm obsessed with Polynesian culture in general. So what does one do when they're excited after emptying out a suitcase of Tiki mugs and souvenirs? Builds a Tiki bar of course! :P Haha!
Anyway, hope to chat a fair bit here and thanks in advance for all the help I'll be getting (and already have had).


Sounds like as good an idea as any! :D

Welcome aboard, fellow Canadian!


You might want to move your post to this thread. Otherwise the welcome wagon might not notice it. http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=6&forum=1&hilite=introductions
And welcome!

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