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Line Art for Tattoo

Pages: 1 1 replies

Ekim posted on Thu, Aug 14, 2003 7:23 AM

Aloha All! Im new to the group and wanted to say hi to all. Im looking for some good crisp line art or cartoon drawings for a tattoo i want to have done. What i was wondering is if anyone knows of a good online source. In particular im looking for lineart of the Easter Island Heads. Any sugestions would be great! If anyone has any good jpgs of such i would love to get an email. [email protected] ALOHA!

[ Edited by: Ekim on 2003-08-14 08:40 ]

Aloha Ekim~

Go to Search
Type "tattoo"
Read past posts on the subject.

Hope you find what you need.

Good luck.

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