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Wow, today's my TikiCentral birthday and I didn't even know it!

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I just happened to come back to Tiki Central today, thanks to a Google search for info on the old Pitcairn Motor Hotel on Harbor Blvd. in Garden Grove, CA (plenty of photos from this thread), and I noticed that today, May 22, is the same date I first signed up for Tiki Central way back in 2003! I haven't been here in years (a couple times briefly for some info research, but didn't sign in), but it looks the same around here as the last time I logged in!

Anyway, I just thought that was kinda nifty, that I'd come back here on the same date I signed in years ago. :)

Oh, why was I looking for info on the Pitcairn? Turns out the Garden Grove Fire Department's station that's around the corner from where the Pitcairn used to be (about a block west of Harbor, on Chapman) is going to be rebuilt entirely, and the design is sort of faux MCM retro (but it looks pretty nice, it'll beautify that area). Hearing that news and of the location reminded me of the Pitcairn, so I googled it.

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