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Tiki Central / California Events

Rolly Crump: It's Kind of a Cute Story.

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August 26, 2017–February 18, 2018

704 Pier View Way
Oceanside CA 92054

Photos are of the opening night of the exhibit. Amazing art and fantastic turnout. I highly recommend everyone go see this. Sorry I didn't get a photo of Mr Crump, he was swarmed all night.


Thanks very much for posting the pics! Some consolation for the fact that I probably won't get to socal to see it in person. Is any of it new work (aside from "thank you for your interest in my work"), or is it all from collections and archives?


Yes, some was new. Honestly it was hard to get close and read a lot of the markers/labels. I heard one of the museum people say they had about 500 people. It was a hell of a turn out.

My thanks also for this posting. I went to the museum website and they have a link for Rolly Crump's Kickstarter pledge for his new book.

Imagineer legend Bob Gurr will be meeting up with his old pal Rolly Crump at the Oceanside Museum of Art on January 6, 2018.

Rest in Peace Rolly Crump February 27, 1930-March 12, 2023

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