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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Everyone should be wasted by now at Exotica.........

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......while those of us who didn't go are wishing we were there. Trader Vic's was the first stop. It's half price Mai Tai night at the Atlanta Trader Vic's ($4.50). Just called Joel and they are swamped. I might just have to go get Exotic right here in Atlanta! Cheers to everyone in Chicago and to everyone in their own home town!



If it weren't for the birthday of an elderly relative (where's Soylent Green when you need it), I would be rockin' and rollin' in Chicago...oh well, next year!


Soylent Green is People! To bad you can't just turn 'em into Zombies and drink 'um. Wednesday is Zombie Zombie night at TV's....and remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green day. Try all of Soylent's delicious flavors: Soylent red, Soylent yellow, and new, delicious, Soylent green. Made from the finest undersea growth.
You're a hell of a piece of furniture Scigirl. We'll definately be there for the party next year!!!


Yeah, if it were not for a wedding tomorrow (a CO-WORKERS wedding, no less) I'd be there too. (sniffle)


I'm headin' out tomorrow @ 10 am w/ PoweroftheTiki. Been looking forward to an event I could go to for quite a while.


You're a hell of a piece of furniture Scigirl. We'll definately be there for the party next year!!!

A nice Chesterfield or an Ottoman?

I think I'll devise a new drink to put in the TikiTaky Weekly Specials:

Soylent Green

1 1/2 oz light rum
1 oz Midori
splash lime juice
pineapple juice
teaspoon soy protein powder (derived from finest organic human-based soy)

Combine in blender and serve with picture of Charlton Heston.

Tiki Rules!

[ Edited by: scigirl on 2003-08-22 05:08 ]

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