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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Papercraft Tiki Ornaments

Pages: 1 6 replies

I'd been asked by several people to start a thread on this when I mentioned making these in another thread, so here goes.

This year I decided to make paper tiki ornaments for my small aluminum tree that we usually set up down in the bar.
Before I go any further, I did all the cutting on my Silhouette machine, NOT by hand, LOL.

Without further ado, the ornaments. Most of these I did in multiple colors, and some of them were done in a few sizes as well.

Moai - profile



Kon Tiki style-

Tiki Bob (as a Tiki Bob pear in a tree)-

Suffering Bastard-

A gigantic version of the Moai-

And the overall effect-

I'm still working on a few more designs, but cutting glitter paper is pretty blade intensive, I think I'm on my third one so far,
so I don't know how many more I'll actually get to before the holidays.

Thank you for posting. These are a really fun addition to the other crafts thread. These could also be made as car air freshener's to hang in cars. They are really great to look at. Wendy

On 2018-12-15 08:00, danlovestikis wrote:

Thank you for posting. These are a really fun addition to the other crafts thread. These could also be made as car air freshener's to hang in cars. They are really great to look at. Wendy

Thanks, Wendy!
They're definitely more fun in person.

I can't but help wonder what sort of trouble a tiki air freshener would get people into.

picture a traffic stop-
Tikifile: "No officer, I haven't been drinking"

Cop: "Well, then why does your whole car reek of rum?"

Tikifile: "Honest, officer! It's my air freshener!" LOL :D

Sandbartender that was so funny. I myself was thinking of coconut. Wendy

Hamo posted on Sat, Dec 15, 2018 6:18 PM

Thanks for sharing these. I especially love the Rarotonga and Kon Tiki ornaments.


These are really fun!

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