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burn and wire Pressure treated plywood

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kala60 posted on Fri, Nov 1, 2019 3:24 PM

Has anyone done this with PT plywood and how did it turn out. My bar top will be wrapped then epoxy/polyUV+. The lower/work bar surface I was planning on gouging/burning/wire then some acrylic Poly for gloss and hardness.

anyone got suggestions? I bought 1 sheet of 3/4" PT plywood today. Planning on working the lower bar this weekend. If burning PT sucks, I just use it for the upper bar top.



[ Edited by: kala60 2019-11-01 15:24 ]


I would not burn and wire brush pressure treated wood, or even carve it.

On 2019-11-01 20:34, 4WDtiki wrote:
I would not burn and wire brush pressure treated wood, or even carve it.

+1 Here's another vote for NOT burning or carving pressure treated anything.

kala60 posted on Sat, Nov 2, 2019 8:01 AM

Thanks. I'll use it for the upper bar top and storage floors.

I carved some PT posts last year because they were going outside and would be fully exposed to the elements. That said, I wore a breathing mask the whole time and swept up all the sawdust/shavings and threw it away. Apart from that, I have no desire or intent to mess with any more PT wood. Arsenic hasn't been used in PT wood for years now, but it's still not something to treat lightly. As others above have said, I wouldn't recommend burning or wire brushing.


Plywood may not be a good thing to use at all anyway as it can soak up moisture and delaminate.

A solid wood would be best.
Heck even old pallet wood would be better.

Sure you are going to seal it, but will it be sealed good enough to keep out all the water?

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