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Weekend in Denver: Hidden Idol or Adrift ?!

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Hello group!

Both locations seem to have similar Critki reviews. Last time I was at Adrift was when it first opened...and I definitely had a few. :wink:
Does one stand out in terms of drink quality and a dim atmosphere?

Also any vintage clothing shops/retro spots/diners worth checking out?


Both bars have changed. Adrift has a new owner and the drink menu has changed as well as the food menu. The bar is now more of a Hawaiian food restaurant with tiki drinks. They took down the dividing wall between the two rooms and it is now one single room.

The Hidden Idol used to lease space at the Beetle Bar on Colfax Blvd. and has moved to it own location by the Bronco's stadium. They have also added some food items to it menu.

As for drinks I like the Hidden Idol but for atmosphere Adrift is better for me. The new Hidden Idol decor is more tiki modern and the bartenders are real nice. The pictures on Critiki are outdated so due an Internet search to see what the new interiors look like.

Hamo posted on Thu, Nov 7, 2019 11:14 PM

I concur with MaukaHale. Hidden Idol’s previous location was darker, more mysterious, which I much preferred over the new place (which reminds me that I’d intended to post something about that on its thread). I never experienced Adrift before its current incarnation, but I enjoy its vibe best now, and it probably has more tikis. I give a slight edge to Adrift on food but Hidden Idol for drinks.

As for other places to visit, the Cruise Room is nice, and Casa Bonita is an experience.

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