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Strong Water, Anaheim, CA (bar)

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Hamo posted on Sat, Dec 14, 2019 7:18 PM

Name:Strong Water
Street:270 S Clementine St


A new nautical/tiki bar/restaurant from the people behind The Blind Rabbit, built by Bamboo Ben and opened November 25, 2019.

Stong Water's "backstory", from its Facebook page:

(as told to Christopher Lars Jepsen)

In 1865, Charles Crocker of the Central Pacific Railroad sent his cousin, Capt. William T. Strong, to Canton, China. Strong’s ship, the brig Clementine, left from San Francisco with a crew of fifteen but did not return as planned. As the months dragged on, the worst was feared. Finally, in early 1867, stories began circulating on the docks that the Clementine had wrecked on a remote beach in Fiji. Some said they had run aground after an encounter with the Mirlo – a ship rounding up Pacific Islanders to serve as “indentured servants” in South America. Many old salts knew the Mirlo was also a pirate vessel, captained by a psychotically bloodthirsty Peruvian named José Antonio “El Yandána” Diaz.

Crocker sent a clipper ship to the South Pacific to find and retrieve Strong and the crew. The wreck was found abandoned. Oddly, the hold was filled with artifacts and curiosities from all across the Pacific, including spices from the east, pagan idols, rare books, spirits from exotic ports of call, and crates and barrels of miscellaneous cargo. The brig had clearly covered great distances before going aground. Why had they strayed from their orders? Had Strong gone mad? Had the pirates captured, selectively plundered and then scuttled the Clementine? The nearby caves and dark, vine- choked jungle were searched for clues, to no avail. The only sign of human life was the distant sound of drumming at night and the vague sense that the would-be rescuers were being watched.

We invite you to explore the wreck of the Clementine and its bizarre cargo yourself. Perhaps you’ll develop your own theory about her mysterious voyage and the disappearance of all aboard.

Hamo posted on Sat, Dec 14, 2019 7:35 PM

I visited Strong Water on Saturday, December 7, 2019. When I arrived about 9 PM, the doorman asked if I had a reservation, which I didn't. He started to take my name and phone to text me when something opened up, but then he consulted the hostess. Since I was alone, and there was one seat at the bar in the back room--the library--I was shown in almost immediately.

First thing, right in the entryway, are several tikis. Sorry I didn't get a picture.

I started with a Mai Tai, which was good, but I really enjoyed The Zombie King.

I didn't try any food, but the drinks were tasty and balanced, and the atmosphere was dark, mysterious, and interesting.

Hamo posted on Thu, Dec 19, 2019 11:21 PM

I see that Ray has visited, too, and his review has some great pictures:


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