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Fiji: Art & Life in the Pacific - LACMA Exhibit thru Jul 19, 2020

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Exhibition description from the website of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Fiji: Art & Life in the Pacific

Dec 15, 2019–Jul 19, 2020
Resnick Pavilion

The first substantial project on the art of Fiji to be mounted in the United States, Fiji: Art & Life in the Pacific will feature over 280 artworks drawn from major international collections, including the Fiji Museum, British Museum, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (Cambridge), the Smithsonian, and distinguished private collections. The exhibition will include figurative sculpture, ritual kava bowls, breastplates of pearl shell and whale ivory, large-scale barkcloths, small portable temples, weapons, and European watercolors and paintings. Professor Steven Hooper and his team from the Sainsbury Centre, in Norwich, England assembled a deeply researched and comprehensive exhibition that was recently on view in its galleries and will be reformatted by LACMA to include major loans from U.S. collections. Additionally, the museum will feature historic photographs from LACMA’s Blackburn collection, as well as a newly commissioned 26’ double-hull sailing canoe (drua) constructed in Fiji using traditional materials and techniques.


Exhibition Soundtrack Available:
Listen to a unique mix of traditional music and contemporary tracks that creates a sonic experience reflecting the Fijian Islands. Includes selections such as sere ni cumo songs, Indo-Fijian qawali, Rotuman Tautoga dances, and more.

A catalog is also available to purchase online:


[ Edited by: MauiRose 2020-02-20 11:05 ]


Aloha Maui Rose, I live in the So Cal area and would love to attend this exhibition. Thanks so much for sharing the link, there are some beautiful pieces of art on display. Mahalo!
:sheckymug: :tiki:

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