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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki

Windward Passage.

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So we go to the Windward Passage a lot, it is close, I worked there in High school, and a girl I work with back then is still there. In fact most of the workers have been there for 13 years or more.

The Windward passage has nautical decor that has not changed since, well forever.

But the best part is the old guys and gals that hang at the bar and the stories they tell here are a few of those stories.....

Dick was an old guy who would always sit with Bob both Bob and Dick would go in and people would send them drinks all night plus they had dinner at the free happy hour food they gave out early they once told me they would lose money if they did not come in.

At the end of one night I heard the bartender tell Bob he owed $5,00 bucks! Damn Bob was there 7 hours and that was his tab, let me tell you, you need to go to Windward a long time to get a free drink on your birthday they don't give booze away like the many bars I have gone to over the years.

Dick once told me his wife came down to go to dinner and then she went back up to the bedroom and came back down with a different dress on.

Don asked "where's the dress you had on before?" she had it on under the dress she just put on over the top of the first dress.

He had to put her in a nursing home for her care.

One side benefit to Windward is seeing a bit of what coming down the road to us all.

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