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I'm planning a tiki wedding and decided on making tiki mugs as favors for my guests. I'm thinking of doing slip casting. This is something I've never done if anyone can point me to tutorials on they best way to do this or can give me a run down of what's involved that would be great. So far from Googling I learned is a master scult should be done first then a master plaster mold.... thank you


Aloha, Shirl!!

Sounds ambitious, but I love the idea. Ceramics is one of those art forms I haven't yet had the time to get fully into, considering the infrastructure needed, but still want to some day. Do you have a kiln available? You came to the right place - there are several experts here on the art of mug making. Best of luck!

Hamo posted on Thu, May 19, 2022 10:48 PM

You should definitely look at Wendy Cevola's thread. There's a ton of great stuff there, but the first few pages where she started out doing ceramics may be helpful:


And on YouTube not TC, but VanTiki has lots of great videos on mug making:


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