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One from the UK

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Mashy posted on Mon, Jul 11, 2022 2:34 PM

5027706E-E4A7-46D2-95E8-4574BBE60738Evening all (well it is here anyway) now my log in is working again I thought I should post a few pics (if I can) from sadly under represented England - Is it a classic Tiki bar? No, do we make a plethora of rum based tiki drinks here? Oh yes! Took 2 years to build and was finished just before the first lockdown here, one half of the building is my bar, the other is full of my wife’s (Chef) kitchen gear fro weekend events. I’d prefer the ceiling not to be white but haven’t found anything suitable to cover it with yet. I know some people frown upon surfboards but it is one of mine, from back when I was a young bendy person and it was shaped for me as a birthday gift by a very dear late friend of mine ( Chops Lacelles) so it’s staying! I just come across stuff I feel matches the feel and up it goes the latest 2 additions are the 1955 Triumph headlight I found in my storage and the tip/closing bell I found in a Yacht chandlers on holiday on the the Isle of Wight during a camping trip last week. All built by me and and the Chef with the aid of a few like minded friends for the heavy lifting. None of us are builders..! Fingers crossed the pics will load. 0B1AFE25-02AB-4E4C-AD37-7C9671F683F3AB1DFBFC-2F2B-4360-9C1C-47F0B709D282917762BF-B5C7-4E3A-A83F-C0363465F46B2DE1E462-4753-4990-AF3A-62F29A517A498F7F9F2E-0988-4840-99A8-6DC9969C13567C1D8FF2-89E2-46C0-ACFB-C6FF9E4E0646

[ Edited by Mashy on 2022-07-11 14:36:59 ]

An Open, well stocked, owner built Bar is outstanding. Great job.

What's up with surfboards and tiki bars? Your bar, your stuff. Enjoy.

I've got no problem with surf boards in tiki bars, because the Hawaiians did invent the sport, after all. My one criticism is that the space is too clean! Clutter it up with more tiki/tropical decor on the walls and ceiling for a truly immersive experience! :)

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