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NEW Kahiki Scrapbook to be released 2023

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I am proud to announce the release of our second Kahiki book. After we did the first book we had so many people come to us with pictures and stories we realized there was enough for another book. The authors David Meyers, Elise Meyers-Walker, Doug Motz and myself (Jeff Chenault) are extremely happy to share this labor of love for all Kahiki fans. It will be officially released on February 27, 2023 by History Press.Kahiki Scrapbook

That sounds great! From the back cover, I'm especially interested in the recipes as those are often very hard to come by after places close. Would love to see both food and drinks recipes. (As if I don't already have enough drink recipes, lol!)

I looked for the first book online - still available in both hardcover and paperback. There are also a number of Kahiki matchbooks for sale on eBay, plus a few other minor souvenirs from the place. Wish I could have visited before it was razed... There is so much love for the Kahiki out there!

Kahiki Supper Club Book

[ Edited by AceExplorer on 2022-09-29 09:30:03 ]


What a terrible loss for Tiki that was. The place would surely be booming now. Like most things, they are only recognised as the "cultural icons" that they were about five years after they have been demolished. I have long had, and very much enjoyed the first book.

[ Edited by TIKIGIKI on 2022-09-29 15:05:50 ]

I enjoyed the first book muchly. Looking forward to this one too!

rupe33 posted on Tue, Dec 6, 2022 2:14 PM

When the time comes, please let us know the best way to support this endeavor to your advantage!


Good to hear, Jeff! HP is building themselves a little cottage industry with regional tiki books--this makes three for Ohio alone!

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