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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Wen finger sander

Pages: 1 3 replies


What a great tool for knocking off the splinters! Just tried it today for the first time…B29B04CE-A65C-424B-839E-FBC8313633A4950FB739-DAE9-4D17-B704-93E37EE73D9C80BBA7AB-C100-4BAD-949F-80C036728725

Sweet Love that tool!

Hi Polecat, you don't do a new post each time. You add to the bottom of your first post. Then you end up with a body of work that can be scrolled through. This section is for step by steps. Then under Gallery you post the finished work so anyone can scroll looking at all of your finished work. Please ask if you have questions. Wendy


Ok, so I guess I should just always post under the first thread then…? I’ll go back to that for future posts. Thanks Wendy. :)

Pages: 1 3 replies