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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Total Tiki App Historical Mistake

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Chief Lapu Lapu is a great Tiki drink. It remembers Filipino Chief who killed Magellan explorer, he was Portuguese. The App says Spanish, I cannot begin to explain how wrong this is. Tiki is not about discussing Historical accuracy, but this is just misleading. I told them, but did not mind.


Have others send complaints and maybe they'll change it.

It looks like Magellan's allegiance/citizenship changed and a case could be made that he was "Spanish" at the time of his death. He was born in Portugal and sailed for Portugal in his early career. But in 1517 he had a falling out with King Manuel I of Portugal. He moved to Spain where he married and fathered 2 children, he was a "subject of and navigator for" King Charles I of Spain. The expedition left from Spain and was funded by King Charles I, King Manuel reportedly ordered the Portuguese Navy to try to intercept Magellan and his fleet and to vandalize his family home in Sabrosa Portugal

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