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Celebrating classic and modern Polynesian Pop

Tiki Central / General Tiki


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Both look good. The hat is feminine, I wonder if they make different hat styles.

Good tiki headwear is not easy to find. Good post, thank you! I'm guessing a web search for "Make America Tiki Again" would yield the name of the shop.

Do they make this sort of thing for you in Australia?


Poke; poke.

Half of the people here would hate that hat and the other half would not admit to liking that hat.

We did see a bucket hat at some sale and did not buy it when we got home it was the same hat in the OA auction.


The slogan is also available as a great car sticker! You can buy the hats/tshirts online but here we have commercial embroidery shops who monogram towels, bathrobes etc, or do caps with just about anything you want. I think it's a great slogan, and would definitely buy one myself, but unfortunately Australia does not have any real history of having had Tiki Bars so substituting Australia for America wouldn't be as effective. Many of the younger generation here would not have a clue as to what it meant. Their loss I reckon.


This was Tiki Ti's merch a few years ago...

Tiki Ti


I notice that the logo is different in that the little tiki holds a drink. That slogan is definitely an action I'd support!

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