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Dusting and Cleaning

Pages: 1 5 replies


Question for those of you with cluttered tiki bars: Do you regularly dust and clean your bars, or do you let the dust, cobwebs, etc. become part of the decor? And if you do keep it shiny and bright, what is your normal procedure?

I know a number of us have our home bars packed with flotsam and jetsam, which are excellent collectors of dust.


I dust off my decor regularly as I don't want it to look abandoned and for the fact that my whole bar is basically outside.


Yes I do, for primitive art with natural dye paint, I'll use a small air blower. Wiping takes of the paint.


Ostrich feather (only) duster for the delicate stuff....(weekly or it will become stuck on), then an air blower on the floor to flush out any dust from behind the larger items followed by a normal vacuum. A quick wash of the floor to get any spilled sticky drinks.

My Tiki space is outside in the desert so both dust and cobwebs are inevitable. I use a leaf blower in some areas, Swiffer duster in some, damp rag for some surfaces. And a lot of spaces just have dust and cobwebs LOL

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