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Orchids of Hawaii Mugs

Pages: 1 1 replies

Hi, I was wondering if anyone out there had any old orchids catalogs that show mugs and the names or R#’s associated with them. I know this topic has come up in the past and I’ve seen some of those posts but thought I’d bring it up again in case there’s new info around.

The reason I ask is I’m trying to compile a list, I’ve made a good start of it but have a few gaps- especially with the mugs from the 70’s

I’ll post what I’ve compiled so far, snd would love to hear from anyone that has any more info 3AC42BD0-3E56-4994-88A8-A7CBDF725FAB

And some unidentified mugs:

If anyone can identify by r# or name any of the following mugs id love to hear from you and if you have pics of orchids mugs not shown please upload them to add to the list

856C90B5-9D5A-41E8-BB12-040471792F979B6F882F-07C5-403C-9DF7-9F9635B749F1 ooh to id [ Edited by MoaiKing on 2023-04-10 11:59:34 ]

Also another source might be old menus, I have an old menu page from a Resturant in PA that insists that orchids printed and provided all the mugs for; but shows some interesting mugs that I never associated with OoH. The obvious mugs are the R-1 at the bottom and the R-71 ( Mai Kai mug) as well as the coconut snd pineapple and classic ooh old fashioned glass. But the two middle mugs that I thought were firmly in the Omc camp may also have been cross over mugs and I wonder where they fit into the line up.


[ Edited by MoaiKing on 2023-04-10 12:17:30 ]

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[ Edited by MoaiKing on 2023-08-02 11:51:20 ]

Yeah, unfortunately most of the links in the older threads seem to be broken.

Not sure if there' anything more than you already know on mytiki.life, but just in case:


Good luck!

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