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Tiki Bob's San Fran 1959 cheesecake

Pages: 1 9 replies


I found these images in the November 1959 Rogue magazine.

Absolutely Excellent, Swanky!

The vintage Men's Magazines have always been a surprisingly nice source of tiki images for me as well. I've got to get a copy of that one! Thanks for posting those nice scans. If I hadn't already read about such lunchtime fashion shows in this thread...


...I would have sworn you Photo-shopped those Tiki Bob mugs in yourself.


[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy on 2003-09-11 16:35 ]

Unbelievably cool! Wish I would have had that lower one for the Book. I only had a generic B&W newspaper clipping photo from Otto before, not interesting enough to use but this is sublime absurdity...the strange rituals of the American modern primitive.

BOT p.(?):
"....“Sneaky” Bob Bryant had worked as Trader Vic’s bar manager, but when they had a falling out in 1955, Bob moved down a block from the Trader’s Cosmo Place location and opened his own watering hole. An attempt to franchise his concept at the Capitol Inn in Sacramento was short lived. Bob also opened “Tiki Bob’s Mainland” on Bush Street where he offered lingerie fashion shows to draw in the business crowd at lunchtime...."


Here is the article and the other pictures.

Nice find!

On 2003-09-11 16:10, Swanky wrote:
I found these images in the November 1959 Rogue magazine.

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-15 15:29 ]

Man, that is some sleazy STUFF!! Very QUESTIONABLE. Good work!


On 2006-01-01 01:04, procinema29 wrote:
Man, that is some sleazy STUFF!! Very QUESTIONABLE. Good work!

Congratulations procinema29!!! You made the first post on Tiki Central for 2006!

virani posted on Sun, Jan 1, 2006 3:35 AM

Excellent find, really cool


Rescanned the images and posted to my blog HERE

Pages: 1 9 replies