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Tiki sighting - Disney movie

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This evening my daughter and I picked up a copy of 'Sammy the Way-Out Seal' (Disney live-action, 1962)at the library. At the mid point of the movie, one of the main characters hosts a backyard luau around his swimming pool at his Southern California home, complete with hawaiian background music, tiki torches and a couple of large free standing tikis. Is was a fun look back at the culture and attitude of the times, even it it was presented in a Disneyfied Leave it to Beaver manner.

I saw a movie tonight called "Paradise Found" about Paul Gauguin's life, starring Kiefer Sutherland and Nastassja Kinski and Tiki. Don't watch for the acting, but the tipsy factor in this one is pretty good.

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2003-09-20 08:53 ]

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