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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Tiki central website performance

Pages: 1 11 replies

How's the website been performing? I find it to go from being snappy to lagging from time to time, and I want to see if others are experiencing this as well. Please post your comments....



I have had only one big problem I recall. Yes, on occasion it is slow, but that's the web. I did post one day and something happened and it posted my message over 10 times. I deleted them.

I was rather shocked to see I am around the second highest poster here. Scary. Work is busy now, so I will be posting less.

I have not had any real problems other than that one.

Seems to be working great for me! I love this place.

I haven't had any problems that seem unusual, just occasionally latency while the web sips on its mai tai or something. Otherwise, this place is great.

Everything is well and good. Thanks again for keeping us all together.

Tiki Kiliki

No problems and ditto that last message. Hanford, your site is the glue that binds us. Thanks for everything.

Very fast & very fun. Just take a look at the old TikiCentral on Yahoo to see the vast difference in speed!

Trader Woody


I have nothing but praise for this site. You have accomplished more than the United Nations when it comes to getting people together!

I haven't seen any problems here other than normal Web stuff. I religiously check the site several times a day without issue.

I never have any problems....

I'm on a DSL line and I have been posting a lot of graphics lately, I've had no problems at all. The site works like a charm.

No problems with the site here. Occasionally slow, but I blame that on my bargain-priced ISP! I enjoy the site immensely, just wish there were more tikiphiles here in Texas. Keep up the good (no, make that excellent) work!

Pages: 1 11 replies