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Hanford's New Game is released

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Here it is folks, the reason I couldn't make it to the Tiki Crawl, your get-together, your show, your party, your birthday, your swap-meet, your Halloween party, your booksigning, your oasis, your cookoff, your babtizing ...

Rocknor's Donut Factory

Thanks to all who helped test it a few months ago, esp Kim. All your comments were great and helped get the game out the door.

Look for banner ads on Tiki Central for it soon! :wink:



Man, O Man! I'll kick ass at this game! I have donut making experience! Cake donuts and raised dough!

(working at a donut shop is great for about the first 2 weeks, then it blows (even AFTER getting the munchies).)

You should pitch this to the Simpsons. Maybe they could have Homer playing it at work? Does Homer still have a job?

Excellent game Hanford! Krispy Kream will never be the same.
So shit Hanford, does this mean our fearless leader can finally go out with us for some tails? I’ll believe it when I see it.

Bong, I seem to recall you mentioned that before ... oh yeah, it was here in this topic:




this needs to be made into
a slot machine! hehehehee
(no, really, I don't have a gambling

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