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Burning Man? (& fundraiser)

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At considerable risk to myself by posting this here, but I'm wondering if anybody here goes to Burning Man. I know it's not really "tiki" but the theme this year is "The Floating World" and promises a lot of tiki/luau/mermaid/pirate- themed stuff. I'll be there and would love to meet up with any fellow TC-ers out on the Playa.

On a similar note, a friend is having a fund-raiser event this Wednesday for his Burning Man project. They are building a giant rubber ducky with a live jazz nightclub inside (no techno - yay!). Crazy, you say? Most definitely.

Here's the info:

Learn the secret of Anas Vulcanus, Mythical Bird of Treasure, at the
NAUTICAL BALL BENEFIT this Wednesday evening!

From the overachieving minds responsible for Anno Domino 2000 and
[Amazing Larry's] Lucky 7 Ages of Man comes our most ponderous creation
yet. Up to 6 stories tall and potentially 3 football fields long
(mileage may vary), Anas Vulcanus is certain to surprise and delight
everyone at Burning Man 2002.

Join us between 8pm and 1am THIS WEDNESDAY, August 7th at the Peacock
Lounge in the historic Lower Haight. A donation of $10 (or $5 with an
unopened bottle of liquor) is requested to "make this thing fly." But be
sure to save some cash for what awaits you within: Games of "chance", a
Deaf, Dumb and Blind auction of quasi-priceless goods and services, and
a very special raffle for a ticket to the Burning Man himself. Raffle
tickets are only $20 each, which means that you can buy NINE tickets and
still beat the going price (if you win.)

DJ's $kip Money and Discordia will attend to your listening pleasure
while the disoriented staff of the Peacock keep your thirst abated. 21
and up. Sorry, kids.

For more information (or maybe just glittering generalities) about Anas
Vulcanus, please visit http://www.fluxdesign.com/vulcanus/support.html

The Peacock Lounge is located in the lovely Lower Haight across the
street from the Toronado, and is accessible by Muni lines N,J,6,66,7,71
and whatever bus that is that runs down Fillmore, you know what I'm
talking about. From the East Bay, take 80 to 101, then exit at Fell St.
Follow Fell to Fillmore, turn left, then right on Haight. Bam! You're

Hope to see you there!

tiki-bot wrote:

When I first heard what the theme was going to be, the first thing that popped into my head was "Japanese woodblock prints." :)

Yes, I am one those Tiki/Burning Man cross-over freaks.

the stats:

tiki news subscription - 8yrs
burning man - 5 yrs

And, coincidentally, just moved back to So Cal from San Rafael.

go big ducky! (but 900 yards of duck?)
I support all otherwise staid and proper tikifiles to get thee to the Burn!

Yes, I am one those Tiki/Burning Man cross-over freaks.

the stats:

tiki news subscription - 8yrs
burning man - 5 yrs

And, coincidentally, just moved back to So Cal from San Rafael.

go big ducky! (but 900 yards of duck?)
I support all otherwise staid and proper tikifiles to get thee to the Burn!


What the heck is a BURNING MAN?


On 2002-08-07 07:17, thebaxdog wrote:
What the heck is a BURNING MAN?

Uh, where to start??? It's sort of a giant (25k people) week-long party and "art" event held every year in the Nevada high desert. Best thing to do is check out http://www.burningman.com for info. There's lots of photos, but note that people only take pics of these wacky types - there are plenty of "normal" people there, too. People build large scale, crazy art projects that are usually interactive in some way. A friend once called the event the "special olympics of art". While I don't think it's quite that, the "art" does vary hugely in quality and purpose.

Mostly it's about having fun and the people there are interesting. And it's HOT! Like 110 in the mid-day sun. All the action pretty much takes place at night. A well- laid out city rises from the (intense) dust every year and the event has been very well organized recently.

It's really impossible to describe the feeling of being on a prehistoric dry lake bed, in a man-made city a mile across, with lasers, fire, and crazy stuff to do, and lotsa strange folks. But I'm not here to sell it. If the idea appeals to you, then go. It's the only way to really see what it is, and even then you won't see it all. Oh, and they burn a huge 100-foot man at the end of it.


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