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Tiki Central / Locating Tiki

Aku-Aku, Worcester, MA (restaurant)

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Street:11 East Central

I know little of this site as I only saw the outside of the building at the corner of Summer and East Central Streets, which was unremarkable. I did photograph these two signs one rainy day in 2003. The restaurant was closed soon therafter and became a Pub 99 about October of 2003. When operational, at least in its last days, Aku-Aku was a comedy club and when I asked around about its cuisine, locals had little good to say about it. I heard no accounts of its decor, only a couple of reports that they did not allow photos inside. The sign pictured below couldn't be missed by motorists traveling on 290 through Worcester and was especially prominent if you were going South:

This sign, not as high as the other, served to advertise the business to East Central Street:

Update: Images formerly on Shutterfly were restored Nov 17, 2007. I can no longer say for certain which sign was in which position.

I may eventually find the print that shows the whole sign. If so, I'll scan it again.

[ Edited by: tikijackalope 2007-11-17 13:12 ]

I was wasting time & taking up space this lovely Thanksgiving and found this on the internet.

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