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2/20 - Bahooka or Trader Vic's?

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Humuhumu posted on 02/20/2004

With Tiki-Ti out of commission for who-knows-how-long (wah!), I'm jonesing for my weekly tiki fix. Additionally, my tiki experiences of late have been rather bar-centric... and as a matter of fact, when I've been to the Trader Vic's, I've never made it past the bar, even to take a peek around!

So, tomorrow night (Friday 2/20), I'm going to have dinner at either Bahooka or Trader Vic's. It's been longer since I've been to Bahooka, but then, Trader Vic's has better food. You sure pay for it though. But then Bahooka is a bit of a drive, and the Trader Vic's is just down the street. But Bahooka has free parking and lots of things on fire. I'm having trouble deciding.

Would anyone like to join me?

christiki295 posted on 02/20/2004

And to think less than 7 nights after such a revelry on Valentine's Day night at the Purple Orchid.

If you select Trader Vics, I will be there around 9 p.m.

floratina posted on 02/20/2004

Have you decided yet? Bahooka seems cool, but it is quite a shlep.

CheekyGirl posted on 02/21/2004

Am I missing something here? Tiki Ti is out of commission? What's the scoop? Throw me a bone, give me some info....

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 02/21/2004


Check the last three posts on this thread.

Humuhumu posted on 02/21/2004

I'd been leaning towards Bahooka, but since a little sprinkle here is equal to THE APOCALYPSE when it comes to traffic, I think I'm going to have dinner at Trader Vic's. christiki -- I'm going to get there earlier, probably about 7:30, but hopefully you can meet up with me for after-dinner drinks. You can call me at (206) 349-1362.

Humuhumu posted on 02/21/2004

Man, Tiki Central is the best. Instant social life, just add water. Floratina and Arunas met me for dinner at Trader Vic's, and christiki295 met up with us partway through our meal. The dining room is quite lovely, and the service is pretty over-the-top. They did get very suspicious at our asking what kind of vessel each of the drinks were served in.

When Floratina couldn't decide which drink to choose, I knew just what to do... I hopped on the cell and rang my on-call Trader Vic's expert, Martiki! Martiki chatted with Floratina and determined that she would most enjoy a Queen's Park Swizzle, and he was right. I've never tasted a strong drink that was so sneaky and tasty! The waiters (I think we had three or four, I lost count) all kept warning her "strong drink! strong drink!" -- they told us they took it off the menu because it was too strong.

After dinner, Arunas, christiki295 and I went to the Lava Lounge. What a great little bar! I'd not been before, and I'd sort of assumed it was a divey little place with black walls and not much else. Boy, was I wrong. Great decor, not traditional tiki, very hip, but still fantastic. Exactly the sort of place I would have given my eyeteeth to have in Seattle. And who do we run into? King Kukulele!

I'm gonna have a Randy Newman moment and say... I Love LA!

RevBambooBen posted on 02/22/2004

but since a little sprinkle here is equal to THE APOCALYPSE

I'm Melting!!!! Make it stop!!!

Futura Girl posted on 02/22/2004

me too.... can't hack the rainy drive after drinking in - so i am drinking alone by the fireside...

also having tiki shout withdrawals...

christiki295 posted on 02/24/2004

Life imitatates art, I felt like one the characters in a Shag painting!

Thank you a superb evening, the best time I've had since Purple Orchid! The company superb, the cocktails intoxicating (although next time I may have to forgo the last call MaiTai)and to be at Trader Vics.

Floratina, you are right, the Trader Vic's sign is both yellow and orange.

What could top that, except more tiki: the jet set, volanic-hot bamboo & tikified Lava Lounge with King Kukulele lounging at the bar.

Lava Lounge is even more fantastic after closing when the lights go up and one can see the decor.

k'eli posted on 02/27/2004

Sorry I wasn't a member of TC to join in on this night! The recap of the evening was very interesting (made me thirsty) the recap by christiki295 was great!

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