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Looking for Tiki in LA and Orange County CA

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Hi- I'm looking for Tiki/Lounge for my sister's wedding reception anywhere in LA or Orange Counties, CA. (That is, other than Trader Vic's, but along those lines.) Larger than a bar - about 90 people for food. Any ideas, cats?

Have you looked into Sam's Seafood in Sunset Beach? It's very cool - Not quite as nice as Trader Vics, but I'll bet it's more reasonable and can definately accomodate 90 plus people.

Kukui is right. Sam's is the best!


Yes, Sam's Seafood is probably your best bet. They have that large Hidden Village room in the back and several other decent sized rooms as well. Your only other real options are Bahooka in Rosemead or Damon's in Glendale. Damon's may not be large enough, and Bahooka is not real big in large private parties. But, other than Sam's, Bahooka is probably the only place that is "Tiki" and still large enough.

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