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A good Tiki quote?

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Once again, I turn to the collective knowledge of Tiki Central. This time I was wondering if there are are truly classic quotes about any element of Tiki? There's no 'Little book of Tiki Quotes' and I'm not going to create one, but the lack of classic quotes that you can trot out is a shame.

Any ideas? Create yr own?

Trader Woody

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine - to attempt to accentuate the tikiness of the title, but it failed miserably. - 2006-08-01 15:12 ]

I think someone needs to publish Sven's Little Red Book of Tiki. 8)


"Anyone who says I didn't create this drink is a dirty stinker." - Vic Bergeron on the Mai Tai

On the Tiki Archaeology video, Sven mentioned something about it being good to have a "sizeable idol."
Need to watch it again to get the exact quote.

Whenever I have friends over and they are handling my Tikis...


When I give the gift of a Tiki...

I always warn them to handle their Tiki carefully so that they...

"Do not invoke the wrath of the Tiki!"


On 2002-08-30 16:09, Trader Woody wrote:
This time I was wondering if there are are truly classic quotes about any element of Tiki?

Trader Woody

How about the ever popular "BOOGA BOOGA!"

Tiki Chris

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2002-08-31 11:47 ]

I like the jab's. Booga Booga is good , too.

colly posted on Sun, Sep 1, 2002 8:26 AM

booga booga! heh. creative. if you go to http://www.bigmyth.com/myths/english/2_hawaiian_full.htm
it has stuff about the hawaiian gods and how they were created and whatnot. its a myth but it could still be fun.


I think Mig and Hanford had a few classic Quotes at the San Fran crawl.. if ony any of us could remember them...

And surely there are some lines from the Brady Bunch or Gilligans Island that may be appropriate.

I wish I could remember the posted house rules at the Hala Kahiki in Chicago, I remember themn being quite unintentionally amusing.

I leave you with this thought:

"Don't tell my mother I work in advertising - she think's I'm a piano player in a whorehouse." -Jaques somebodyorother


Don't forget...

"Chicken Soup for the Urban Archaeologist's Soul"

and "Everything I Needed to Know About Life I Learned from THE BOOK"

"Mai Tai's For Dummies"

And this newest title from Oprah's book club: "I got Pantsed on Dr. Funks At Trader Vic's and Squicked a Blowfish Lamp - A Memoir"

On 2002-08-31 11:44, Tiki Chris wrote:

How about the ever popular "BOOGA BOOGA!"

I am sorry, but the corrrect quote would be "OOOGA BOOGA!"

My favourite quote from my B.O.T. about Tikis is still:
"Once you have seen them, you are haunted as if by a feverish dream..!"

(Imagine Peter Lorre saying that. -Hey, how about a remake of "The Maltese Falcon", with a black Tiki as the title hero instead?)

Yet that quote is only appreciated by people like us, who have already been infected...

a remake of "The Maltese Falcon", with a black Tiki

strangly i picked up a pair of tiki mugs that have made in malta on the bottom so there is indeed "maltese tiki mugs", there quite heavy maybe i should smash 'em and see if anythings inside


One of my favorite Gilligan's Island quotes:

"Bahoola Humba! Bahoola Humba!

Bahoola Humba, WHAT?"


How about "Carve it well or go to hell!!!"



Give me TIKI or give me death
A TIKI in the bush is better than two on you hand.
Don't drink until you see the TIKI in their eyes.
Let's drink one for the TIKI
It is better to have TIKI and more TIKi than to have no TIKI at all.
Once you have a TIKI in time, you want nine.
Man who go to bed with TIKI wake up with wood.
Tiki unto others before they tiki unto you.
Thou shalt not steal another persons TIKI.
Never saw a TIKI I didn't like.
To TIKI is to live.
I think I need another pill?


No shortage of great quotes in Vic's books. I put them up at parties sometimes. Also the "Beachcombers Creed" printed in Intoxica is great. Put it on the wall of your bar!



"You're getting more interesting by the drink"
-Pepe le Tiki

My favorite thrift store wisdom:
"The things that come to those that wait, may be the things left by those who got there first"


"Moai for the money"
By: Me (far as I know)

OR--any quote that contains the word "more"-substitute that with "Moai"

Imagination is 'Moai' important than knowledge.
-Albert Einstein

OR-- look up some 'Moai-tivational' quotes! Most quotes pages are broken down into categories, 'motivational quotes' usually being one.

If you need 'moai-tivation', think of your paycheck on Friday.
-Noel Coward

GREAT THREAD! I scoured the internet looking for clever little phrases to make signs for my tiki bar walls and drink menus and never thought about picking the brain pool at TC. DUH!

I'll be looking forward to getting many brilliant quotes and slogans here!

So far, my current favorite phrase to add is pretty simple....a sign that reads:




My absolute favorite Vic's quote (as seen at the Atlanta Trader Vic's):

Where those merry souls who make drinking a pleasure -
Who achieve contentedness long before capacity
And who, whenever they drink, prove able to carry it, enjoy it,
And remain gentlemen.


Also, one of those old Ultra Lounge tiki mix CDs in the liner notes said "If your mind should wander, let it lead you here..." which I always thought would be the perfect sign for a tiki bar.

I think it was Bosko who said in his internet interview...

Tiki Decor is about layers. You shouldnt be able to take it all in on the first visit. Every time you come back there should be something that you didnt notice before.

OGRES are about layers---as are onions...so TOO are parfaits.

howzabout "When the going gets weird, the weird turn PRO"

fave Hunter S. Thompson Quote of all time

If you can't come to paradise, I will bring it to you.
-Don the Beachcomber

I use that one alot because I have a portable tiki bar.

On 2006-07-31 14:50, Monkeyman wrote:
I think it was Bosko who said in his internet interview...

Tiki Decor is about layers. You shouldnt be able to take it all in on the first visit. Every time you come back there should be something that you didnt notice before.

Yes I've heard that before, it should be part of the 'tiki bar manual' if there was one.
Thanks for bringing it to light again MM.

Humu that Vic's one is also great. It reminds us that tiki people tend to be first class even after many drinks.

hewey posted on Mon, Jul 31, 2006 6:18 PM

"Happy Happy Happy!" - Benzart

"There was never a more enchanting world than that of the Pacific Islands" - The Story of the Pacific by Hendrik Van Loon

Hello all,

My favorite (and still least observed) quote/rule of thumb (to paraphrase Sven) if it says Tiki it needs to have Tiki/s
After all these years this is still the major misconception of Tiki style, people seem to believe that the word will somehow make the place “Tiki”, yet sans Tiki. Just think how many “Tiki bars” you’ve seen with only bamboo, or whatever tropical ideal they’ve come up with, but this simple rule still eludes even the biggest experts.

My very best alohas,


How about "SHOW ME THE MOAI!"? :)

From the movie Blue Hawaii:

"Careful daddy. Those Mai Tais can be mighty powerful!"

"Tiki or not Tiki? That is the question."---William Shakespear or Brittney Spears

On 2006-07-31 18:18, hewey wrote:
"Happy Happy Happy!" - Benzart

"Joy, Joy, Joy" - Ren and Stimpy :)

How about my Yard Sale Tiki wisdom:

The Early Bird gets the Tiki's!

GROG posted on Tue, Aug 1, 2006 8:39 AM

The Hawaiian War Chant:

Tahuwai la a tahuwai wai la, Ehu hene la a pili koo lua la, Pututui lua ite toe la, Hanu lipo ita paalai. Au we ta hua la. Au we ta hua la.

GROG posted on Tue, Aug 1, 2006 8:43 AM

Song: There's A Garden In Hawaii

There's a land away out yonder,
When at night I sit and ponder,
There in dreams of love I wander,
Far across the sea;

There's a garden in Hawaii,
Where we loved beneath the palms,
I could see the love-light gleaming,
While I held you in my arms,
When you kissed me and caressed me,
All my dreams of love came true.
There's a garden in Hawaii,
Where I fell in love with you.

Swanky posted on Tue, Aug 1, 2006 9:02 AM

"Welcome to Don the Beachcomber's, where good rum is immortalized, and drinking is an art."

Of Hawaii:
"The most beautiful fleet of islands anchored in any ocean."
-Mark Twain


"Are you lookin' at me? Are you lookin' at me?"---Larry, Moai & Curly Joai Easter Island


ooooooooohhhhh nooooooooooo



I thought these were supposed to be tiki quotes?

Maybe this should be moved to bilge?

i apologize for my non-tiki quote, tikiwahine.

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2006-08-01 15:08 ]

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2006-08-01 15:15 ]

I want tiki quotes only please people, here's a whole thread dedicated to other quotes over in Beyond:

Favorite Quotes--from dive bars, restaurants, etc!

Escape to the exotic.

Being that this is a family website, I cannot/will not interpret the following quote. I think there is a website out there, that if you submit the words, it will translate into English.
A major thought of the Tiki world, that has left it's mark in history.

"A Tiki in the Hand is worth Two still in the Log"

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