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Sealing bamboo, for painting

Pages: 1 5 replies


If someone had a chunk of large-diameter bamboo that had been stained and lightly sealed somehow before... say, something kind of maybe like this:

If someone had this thing, and they wanted to be able to paint on it, how would one prepare it properly? How would one seal it to protect it afterward?


I would use acrylic craft paint (those tiny bottles at Michaels) and then seal with a spray clear like Satin DEFT(lacquer), or Satin Clear Polycrlic.

I hope it's hypothetically.. I'd cry if you painted something that's that cool to begin with.. ESPECIALLY if it's a vintage purse...

either way.. where'd you find it!! I want one! :) :)


[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:58 ]


Rest assured, I would never let the Bamboo Handbag you know and love be painted. For those who have not met Bamboo Handbag in person, here's a little history:


I'm talking about Bamboo Handbag's fraternal twin, Backup Handbag. She's gettin' a paintjob, but I'm not doing it myself, I've got a friend to help with that bit. I just need to make sure she's prepared into a proper canvas.

Bamboo Handbag has her own fanclub of sorts on MySpace:



right ON
It's all about the accessories.
... I looove my purses..

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