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Tiki Central / California Events

Dick Dale at the 11th Annual Glendale Cruise Night July 17

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Dick Dale is headlining this Saturday, July 17th at the Glendale Cruise Night!

Here's the link http://www.ci.glendale.ca.us/entertainment/cruiseNight2004/cruisenight2004.html

Opening are the Neptunas, and Big Sandy & his Fly-Rite Boys (western swing)

Maybe we'll see some of you there!


Dick Dale puts on one hell of a show - if it weren't for the Beach Burn, I'd be there!

If you can make it, I'd highly recommend it!


Dinner at Damon's! Dinner at Damon's! What better after a hard day of garage sale-ing and thrift store hunting. The sweetie & I will be there.
Who else?

(plus getting there early might mean you can park somewhere!)

[ Edited by: spy-tiki on 2004-07-16 17:20 ]

Damon's was our plan too, natch... the doors open at 4:30, so we're shooting for being there by 4:29, so as not to miss too much of the garage-surf-punk Neptunas who go on at 5:30. Keep an eye out for us (I'll be the one in dreadlocks) and stop by to say hi!

Update: Damon's opens at 3:30 today, so we've made our reservations for 4pm. FYI!

[ Edited by: lawebchick on 2004-07-17 14:45 ]

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