Tiki Central / General Tiki / Just A Thought
Post #10000 by TikiGardener on Fri, Oct 4, 2002 11:44 PM
Fri, Oct 4, 2002 11:44 PM
Umm I think there were opinions from both sides that for whatever reason really pushed the other posters buttons. It happens. I think , although maybe in the less than perfect medium of text only communication, it may not have come across as such, that in my two centsing of the Tiki Gardens lp thread I actually saw both sides reasoning, and asked some questions that were out there for the general tiki central to feel free to comment on and offer opinions on. The art of conversation is at times a messy one even with all the visual and auditory clues of being in person. Add on top of that for people to be strongly attatched to their point of view, and it gets even potentually messier. ( Messier, hmmmmm wasn't he the guy who came up with the star magnitude chart? ) My advise to those silent, chime in, you joined, but feel free to not feel pressured to talk all the time. ( To many uses of the word "feel in that one I think ) Look at it this way, I have friends who have views on some subjects diametriacally opposed to mine, and we have heated discussions, but they remain, and will remain my friends. Lifes like that, at least for me. TG My editing turned "Start magntdue" To "Star Magnitude", damn Kahona-Bong-o-Matic, it makes my horrid spelling and sentence structure damn near indecipherable. tg [ Edited by: TikiGardener on 2002-10-05 00:02 ] |