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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace / Tiki @ Target

Post #100117 by Kono on 07/07/2004

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Kono posted on 07/07/2004

Like one of Ivan's famous slobbering mutts, I read this post and skeedaddled on over to Target to check out the new tiki. I live maybe 400 yards from a Target so I'm not a complete geek, semi-geek perhaps. Anyway, they didn't have any of it. But at least the female employee I talked to actually knew what tiki is! I'll try back in a few days. Those little short mugs from Target?

EDIT: Oh, those are candles aren't they? I was like "Why's he/she got milk in them mugs?"

[ Edited by: Kono on 2004-07-06 17:10 ]