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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace / Tiki @ Target

Post #100528 by ikitnrev on 07/09/2004

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ikitnrev posted on 07/09/2004

I stopped at a Target over lunch too. After a first walk through, I thought I would only buy a single tiki mug. But at the last moment I saw a box of these hula girl stringlights http://www.target.com/gp/detail.html/602-3198759-0661405?asin=B00015D0Y2

These were unpriced, so I took a box to one of those self-serve barcode scanners to check the price - and was astounded to see they were only $2.50 per strand of 10 lights. I went back and bought all 5 sets that were on display, so hopefully soon I will have a strand of 50 hula girls all lit up.

I then checked and scanned several other items, and saw they were priced 75% off too - there were no signs indicating that there was an ongoing sale, so most shoppers probably assumed they were still at the original price. I ended up also buying at 75% off prices

  • a large 20" x 15" melmac serving tray, with a neat surfer/hula girl cartoon scene on it for $2.25

  • 6 colorful melmac cereal bowls with hula girls at the bottom .... 50 cents per bowl.

  • 4 sets of the fake bamboo flatware (each set has four knives, spoons and forks) $2.50 per set

I kind of forgot to eat lunch, but it was still a good lunch break.


[ Edited by: ikitnrev on 2004-07-08 19:37 ]