Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace / Tiki @ Target
Post #100560 by woofmutt on 07/09/2004
I too was compelled by TC to hit Target post work. So here's my 24 cents for any fence sitters: I agree with Kono, this stuffs pretty dang good looking for mass produced from a chain store. Yeah, the colors aren't all ideal, and some of the designs are too dorky for big kids but there's a lot of good items. The mugs are really solid and don't have that sip-n-chip glaze a lot of inexpensive mugs have (like the contemporary KC stuff). Classic looking designs. (As Spy-Tiki pointed out one does look like his hands have been cut off. Creepy.) The deep blue, maroon, and light blue mugs have fairly acceptable colors (the light blue is pretty close to the classic "mermaid" mug). At $4 a pop they're great for everyday/clumsy hands. The sadly named "Tiki Tok" wall clock is cast in styrene and looks just like carved wood. The Tiki on it is a classic desig, completely sans cheese. The "Tiki Tok" part could easily be covered with a strip of wood, an "ALOHA", or [Your Bar's Name Here]. There's a small dry erase board that is simply framed in plain, real bamboo. With no words or Tikis it's a great drinks specials board for any Tiki bar. For $5 one went home with me. Oddity: The Tiki board game which looked like Chinese checkers but with small, well designed Tikis instead of marbles. I'd guess most of you'd like the Lava Lamp (I mean "motion lamp"). There was only one left at my Target, and I figure this stuff went on the floor Tuesday. So rush, before it's 30 bucks on eBay. Target gets in limited supply of seasonal stuffs and usually there's no second shipment. |