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Tiki Central / Tiki Marketplace / Tiki @ Target

Post #100758 by Kono on 07/10/2004

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Kono posted on 07/10/2004

On 2004-07-09 11:39, Juno wrote:
Went to my Target yesterday and picked up some mugs and candles. I noticed that the Target mugs look just like some Clay Art mugs I bought last year except the quality is not as good. It looks like they made a mold from the Clay Art mugs to make the Target mugs...I don't know much about how mugs are made but see for yourself:

The mugs on the left are the Clay Art mugs, the ones on the right are the Target mugs.

You can see theres a big difference in the depth in the details and the sharper edges on the Clay Art mugs. I bought those at Spencer Gifts last year.

[ Edited by: Juno on 2004-07-09 11:40 ]

Well now I don't like my Target mugs as much anymore! I like the Clay Arts stuff but it's so hard to find. I got the pitcher off of ebay ($7 - steal) and got the cookie jar b/c a friend of mine was at Ron Jon's and saw that they had some and she picked one up for me. I didn't even know they had those mugs. Nice. Wish they had an online ordering source or something. Same with Chiki Tiki by agiftcorp.