Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Cigar Boxes Anyone?
Post #108642 by boutiki on Mon, Aug 16, 2004 2:49 PM
Mon, Aug 16, 2004 2:49 PM
I have noticed folks making cool things out of boxes like purses and, ...well, decorated boxes. Anyway, I have a whole bunch of nice wood cigar boxes that I had saved from back when I used to indulge in that particular vice more regularly, (back when I lived near Ybor City "The Cigar Capital of the U.S." and before the dawn of Cigar Asphyxianado and before it became the fad that it did). Anyway, being the pack-rat that I am, I saved all the boxes (and all the bands too, but I want to keep those) thinking they would be cool to do something with. Now I have more ideas than time and I realize that not only will I not get around to making something out of these boxes, I need the space desperately. So rather than donate them to the thrift store, or worse, chuck them in the trash, I'd like to offer them to any creative Tiki fanatic here on Tiki Central who would make something cool with them. All you have to do is pay for the shipping and they are yours. Oh, and you have to send me pictures of what you do with them. So who's interested? Flounder? Anybody? -Duke |