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Tiki Central / Tiki Music / Tiki Gardens CD Weed ??????????

Post #11573 by DawnTiki on Tue, Oct 22, 2002 3:59 PM

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Thank goodness, for Tangoroa's moral guidance! :roll: My question is...is it really worth having Mr. Shreeves breaking into his piggy bank to make CD's to sell them to a handfull of people. No, not in my opinion, I don't see how copying this CD is any different than copying cassettes in 7th grade and sharing with your friends. I am glad I got a chance to see what all this hype was about! Is it worth all of this drama? NO! I am sure if you had memories of the Tiki Gardens this CD would hold more value to you, but me personally, it gave me a chuckle or two, thanks to Trader Woody's dead on comparison, if your into 1940's roller skating rink music, then this cd is for you! Will I listen to it again anytime soon, probably not. And Thanks again Tangaroa for trying to shame those of us who got the cd for free into sending a note of thanks to Mr. Shreeves.

So, drop him a line if you have the time (especially if you got a free copy!)

I did my part by carrying through on my promise to "The Muggler". Do I owe a Thank You to anyone else? I dont think so. Mahalo - :D


[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2002-10-22 21:53 ]