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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food / Recipe: Glistening Orchid?

Post #132586 by Kono on Thu, Dec 23, 2004 7:52 PM

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Kono posted on Thu, Dec 23, 2004 7:52 PM

On 2004-12-23 18:38, FreakBear wrote:
Non-Alcoholic TripleSec

This is madness! Why would you use a non-alcoholic version of anything when an alcoholic version is available!!?? :wink:

Seriously though, those aren't minor alterations. I can't imagine Barbancourt and Pyrat Superior Blanco or whatever its called being mixed together tasting anything like Bacardi Gold. Non-alcoholic triple sec may, in fact, taste like chemicals. I haven't tried the original b/c I don't have any amaretto or Rose's lime at this time. But I will!

Anyhoo...I decided to try and create a drink called the Pink Orchid. Here's what I came up with:

Pink Orchid

1oz Mango Rum (Cruzan)
1oz tequila
.25oz Fees Bros American Beauty grenadine
.5oz fresh squeezed lemon juice
.25oz simple syrup
.5oz OJ
.5oz Passoa liqueur
.5oz Club Soda

Shake with a cup of shaved ice and pour into a short rocks glass. Fill the glass to the top with shaved ice. Stir until the drink permeates the ice. Drink!

I'm a big fan of the Fees Bros American Beauty grenadine. Great pomegranate taste. If it's not available then I suppose another grenadine will have to do but it won't likely taste the same.

[ Edited by: Kono on 2005-04-09 20:22 ]