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Tiki Central / California Events / Tiki Crawl V pics

Post #154800 by bigbadtikidaddy on Mon, Apr 25, 2005 11:58 AM

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Timely as ever...
Here are some of the pics I took the first night at the crawl on MY camera. (I forgot I used my camera the first night...!DUH!)

These were at Trader Sam's after hours, where we managed to shut the place down.
Present were TikiFish, Crystal Chandelier, Mig & AppleVenus.
I used my sisters camera for the rest of the weekend because she has the exact same camera, but with lots more memory.
The thought was I could take alot more pictures, but every time I try to upload the photos from her camera I get a little pop-up telling me there are no pictures in the camera...WTF!!
I even tried swapping the memory cards, but that doesnt work either.
I have 20 more shots but can't access them.
I will keep trying & post them when I figure this shit out.
Your technically challenged pal,

no clue who this is. Just some passed out drunkard.