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Tiki Central / California Events / Modernism Tour During Tiki Oasis - IT'S ON - Sat May 7th

Post #157572 by Sabina on Tue, May 10, 2005 12:53 AM

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(Finally beginning to recover from Oasis!)

Truely, the architectural tour was THE hidden pirate's treasure of Oasis for us this year. If you were on the tour you know what I mean.

A-MAH-ZINGLY enough, we got to visit not one, but TWO palm springs homes- one empty and rentable- complete with Tiki by the pool, and the other a real home. Both were exactly what we came to Palm Springs for! What a perfect experience to wander up close and personal and get just a glimpse out of the corner of your eye what it must be like to live here in one of these treasures.

Our guides, the pamphlet with key terminology, our driver, our home hosts, and the wonderful staff at the Toucan all welcomed us like Ohana.

(We had also done the Mondo Tiki, Vegas architecture/history/neon tour, so we knew it was gonna be great!)

All I can say is over and over A-MAH-ZING!

Next opportunity we get we're jumping the chance to explore yet another town on our next Tiki tour!