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Celebrating classic and modern Polynesian Pop

Tiki Central / California Events / 2nd Semi-Annual Carving Seminar, May 28th-Oceanside

Post #158419 by Alnshely on Thu, May 12, 2005 3:55 PM

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At my place, Saturday May 28th, Danny Gallardo (Tiki Diablo) will be offering his thoughts on carving with Poly Pop in the afternoon followed by cocktails and a potluck bar-B-que. I'm thinking 3:00 to 6:00 for the carving. 6:00 till ??? for a potluck and Bar-b-que. I'm easy to find.

Drive to Oceanside on the 5.

Turn East on mission.

Turn right on Mesa.

I live on the left hand side Can't miss it.

2814 Mesa
Oceanside Ca
[email protected]
760 754 8195

Shout out, who's coming. Come on Carvers!!!