Tiki Central / General Tiki / They call him Mellow Yellow....
Post #162937 by TikiGardener on Wed, Jun 1, 2005 8:35 PM
Wed, Jun 1, 2005 8:35 PM
Ok. Really now. How many damned crepes would one have to sell at that location to pay what I'm sure is an absurd rent? Next calculate how many Mai Tais at Lucky Tiki prices ( not complaining, the drinks were damned strong ) would one have to sell to make afforementioned rent? This begs the question of why the hell someone hasn't opened a tiki bar in this location? Its got all the street cred one could ever hope to have and more. Its got a damned built in mascot fer chris'sakes! No r and d on a mascot. Bang zoom, instant t-shirt material. Hey you could even gasp design a mug. Lotsa design costs eliminated with affore afforementioned mascot. What Gives? If somone thinks a damned crepe shop can survive there why couldn't a nicely executed watering hole fair as well or better? Ok I know not jot one about San Francisco, but really now... |