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Post #166266 by sonofabeach on 06/16/2005

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sonofabeach posted on 06/16/2005

On 2005-06-16 12:44, Tiki-bot wrote:

On 2005-06-16 12:22, MachTiki wrote:
Has anyone tried hitting "reload" while looking at a post within the thread? Try it whenever SoB has something new... er, old to say.

Lots of quotes and text...
Less text - no quotes...
Finally... nuthin'

Tiki-Bot: You rule

Indeed. If you didn't read this thread from the very first (unedited) lie, you'd never figure out what anyone's talking about. It's like the photo that Marty McFly had in Back to the Future, where the people slowly disappear as he alters the past. Only in this case the words disappear as Soab/OT changes his story.

And yes, I do, in fact, rule!

"one quite quixotic dog"

[ Edited by: Tiki-bot on 2005-06-16 12:45 ]

I'm not changing the story. This one seems to be doing just fine.