Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Creating Tiki Theme Discussion/Comments.
Post #169139 by ManoKoa on Fri, Jul 1, 2005 8:01 AM
Fri, Jul 1, 2005 8:01 AM
TikiG - I think you're reading too far into an attempt to help. A poll feature is not enabled by the webmasters of this site and maybe they just don't know of what's being discussed here or haven't come around to enabling it. Just because someone started a poll on another site doesn't mean that they have taken control of the direction for tiki central. Control is only taken from those willing to give it. I am a carver and like the idea of a central theme ( among the themes that I have imagined ). I won't have anything to contribute if it doesn't have to do with the actual tiki statue itself and I see your point about the themes getting stale. A theme for painters could be kept separate from one for the carvers, or even this: how about if you just don't like the theme, don't participate. It's a viable option and it doesn't take any effort. An artist focus for the month is a good idea and maybe that artist could be the one that chooses the medium and theme for that month or the next. Sometimes it takes me more than a month to finish a project. Gretanicole - Welcome to the site and nice artwork. I'd like to see more tiki stuff btw. I voted twice just to see if it could be done on the poll. If there is a poll for a central theme for the members on this site, it should be done by this site or something that validates membership/ registration. I respect the attempt to help but that poll is not very secure and can easily be rigged. |