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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / AlienTIKI Traditional, Midcentury Polypop and a couple marqs

Post #171361 by freddiefreelance on Tue, Jul 12, 2005 12:30 PM

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On 2005-07-11 03:21, AlienTiki wrote:
The wood Im unsure of. Someone told me it was an African tulip It grows all over the place here on Maui and is fairly light, like pine but a little harder. Any ways it had a bug problem and they clopped it down near my house. He stands about 14.5 inches and is 3.5 diameter at the bottom. I have 4 other nice pieces of wood from this tree and a piece of monkey pod I have yet to cut into so I'll have more on the way. The stain was a lite oak stain, I applied 2 coats.

Did the tree's leaves & flowers look like this?

African Tulip Trees grow nicely throughout the tropics & here in San Diego, too.

AlienTiki, next time you see Mike the Sandalmaker in old Lahaina, tell him Joyce & Fred said "Hi!"