Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / I think That discussion needs a new soapbox to say Good words.
Post #198367 by Basement Kahuna on Wed, Nov 16, 2005 6:51 AM
Basement Kahuna
Wed, Nov 16, 2005 6:51 AM
If this can double as a set the record straight topic, then here it is, because it seems that no matter how much that is attempted "over there", much like an old Fender Twin Guitar amp with a 6L6 about to burn out, the distortion just sounds worse and worse: I didn't start that post to discourage anyone. And I realize in hindsight that I could have worded my post to suit that end a bit better the first time around. But I have always had a way with words, all my life. Often best demonstrated by my uncanny ability to get women angry at me. I also didn't start that thread as any sort of critique on other people's art. That had zero to do with my aim (but, there again, I have a way with words, and an occasional bout of FIM's disease). I merely put it there it as an attempt to get people to dig deeper, and know and see how rich a history this genre has and where it came from, and therefore try to preserve that very genre. James had A point about knowing what tiki once was, in the heyday in 1962, but often having a tough time seeing much definition today. More appreciation and richer understanding of our heritage(which I remain hungry for and seek out myself every day) is all I was trying to breed. How that translates to how anyone creates their tiki, I don't know, but I thought for all of us it couldn't be a bad thing to do. Many people truly are unaware of much of the history. And as for traditional/non traditional, that really had little to do with what I was alluding to (and I have done both...visible on my thread). All I was alluding to was keeping the Tiki in Tiki. I would never feel anyone was unwelcome around here if they didn't carve traditional stuff. We all have our own styles. I do accurate repros of oceanic war clubs, but that's about all I really copy verbatim. I translate tiki my own way, too. We all do. When you see my stuff you know my stuff, and that goes for everyone's style here, whether developing or advanced. The "big face on a log with big teeth" thing wasn't alluding to that, (although I have seen people bunching tree wizards, frogs, and indian heads into the tiki category on E-bay and that does really bug me). That was merely a reference to a "mold" that I think people too often trap the word "Tiki" inside of everywhere, and learning more about the wonder that is the Tiki style would help people break that mold.. The reason I edited the post was, as Ben somewhat less deftly put it, and I understand, was to purge some of what I percieved as my own Foot-In-Mouth disease (after reading it again) and try to make the true aim of the post a bit clearer. I had a cup of coffee, a few minutes, and zero malevolence or ill intention when I wrote it. I thought I was doing good, but my "way with words" screwed it up. The reason I locked the topic was simple...by that time it had 60-plus responses, pro and con, and and, as Gary and MC put it, I, too, thought it had sort of run it's course. I did wait until it had gotten a few more "con" and "pro" responses prior to doing it, because I wanted to lock it on a fair note. But I really did think that by that time we all needed to have drink together and that the intent of the post has gotten distorted way, way out there. I realize now I shouldn't have done it or I should have asked another mod to do it, but that's neither here nor there. I think my track record here on Tiki Central, through three years and 16 days and 3401 members since I joined in 2002 speaks for itself. There was a day and a time when I more often (had) the time to sit down and photograph my own techniques, offer step-by steps on this or that, and see everything that was being done on Creating. Tiki was and is among my life blood and my beating heart here on Earth. I don't have as much time anymore, because of the throes of making a living and other earthly worries, but I try to when I can. A lot of us from the original old Carving Post don't have a lot of time anymore because we're not getting any younger(sans at heart:) ) and have to make a living. (A couple even got famous...and with fame comes time restraints). But it's good that Ben has picked up the torch (After, if you will, we picked up the one he left in the 70's and 80's with his contribution to history), because Ben is the best link we have around here to our tiki past, a master of technique, and most importantly a good, benevolent, patient, and encouraging soul. |