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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / I think That discussion needs a new soapbox to say Good words.

Post #198684 by 8FT Tiki on Thu, Nov 17, 2005 5:20 PM

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Dear Ben, I know you can carve ANYTHING ! and I know that you have produced your amazing works in many different types of woods. But this thread is definitely from an olive branch. THANKS

Now to everyone: I keep thinking that if this whole discussion (from both threads) had occurred in person, with all parties present, the discussion would have had a different tone to it. What I mean by that is that I imagine it as a conversation where we can hear the passion in a persons voice and we can respond immediately and clarify things better. There is a certain disadvantage to this whole computer thing. Because although it is great that we who are literally all over the globe can converse about our favorite topic here on this fabulous website, there is a risk of mis-interpretation and you cannot see the reaction on the face of a person to the words you have chosen.
DISCLAIMER: I'm not trying to smooth anything over or make excuses or allowances for anyone or their choice of words; mine included. I just know that we have all been drawn here to Tiki Central for the same reasons and we all have room to grow (personally and artistically). I for one will try to keep an open mind and strive to improve my work as well.
Please, lets all remain friends because I really look forward to the day when I do meet fellow TC'ers in person.
I can't think how awkward it could be to know there are grudges being held here on TC. I believe in the true ohana spirit! Thanks everyone, 8FT Tiki