Tiki Central / General Tiki / Hi
Post #210784 by Mr. Dale on Fri, Jan 27, 2006 11:37 AM
Mr. Dale
Fri, Jan 27, 2006 11:37 AM
Welcome aboard young master Eric! Care for a Mai Tai or a Bronze Serpent? Oh, ya might watch yer step while stumbling around up on deck heer. Lots o' wood chips, blood and bar sugar layin' about.......the crew can get a bit messy but its all in good fun ya understan'.....Although the whole layer makes a nice pilla' when ya just have to pass out somewheres. You'll be a meetin the captain soon enough...Nice fella over all....Captain Hanford....Nice Fella....Not at all like that Captain Bligh son-of-a..... And I see ya brought yer tools.....thats a good lad....You'll be working alongside the rest of our Master carpenters.....ya got Master Ben, Master Basement..(sounds a bit funny, don't it), Master Polynes..Master Gecko...Master Surfer.....Master G....Master A.A. ....Master Bamboo...don't know what hes trying to say with that name, thinks hes a revrund or somethin' like that...helps to balance out arr Devil fella...Master Diablo....hell we even have a cowboy on board...Master Rodeoo....decks kinda small to ride a horse.....but he does it. Damn thing poops everywheer.... Then we even have arrr cruise directors Miss Martiki... and Miss Humuhumu and Master Zulu.....and lots more 'en that.....they're a lively bunch...keep all us working blokes entertained. Me....Oh I'm just a bottom feeder. I man the bait. Help out with the fishin.....ye understand....I am the bait master......Master ba.....Thats me. Well it was nice meetin' ya. were outa pineapple, gotta swim to shore and drag back a few. Helps to wash the sand outa me britches......gets de salt offn me n..s....... Arvada, Colorado......elevation 5340 ft. [ Edited by: Mr. Dale 2006-01-27 11:39 ] |