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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving / Lake Tiki - 8/23/2013 - Red Cedar

Post #225429 by Lake Surfer on Thu, Apr 6, 2006 10:15 PM

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You guys rock... thanks a lot.

Ben... as always... we're our worst critics... but starting in on the panels I was pretty happy with the way it was going...
After you carve for a few years cuts become almost automatic... like writing... you can already see the cuts and angles before you start. I've got a long ways to go... but I'm getting there I think.

BK, thanks. As usual... I always gravitate towards the Marqs... wanted them to be the showpanel of the piece.
The press.... awwww... just some local newspaper. The exposure is nice though... I sell tikis... I buy more tools.

Jim/Bete... thanks... new pieces at Tiki Terrace tomorrow night... including the new guy on this page...

Sally&Jay... I may try a few more of the new design... it just kind of came together... have to see what overall reaction is to it
Congrats on the baby girl!

Surfin... can never have enough Mana... and bring on summer!

Gman... thanks... snow in the forecast for Friday... yea, snow. Welcome to Wisconsin.
60's next week...

Thanks gap... it was a great way to cover up an ugly old pole.