Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge / The Ten Commandments
Post #226780 by Satan's Sin on Fri, Apr 14, 2006 7:44 PM
Satan's Sin
Fri, Apr 14, 2006 7:44 PM
Saw the recent TV version of this and it was watchable. Not as bad as the Los Angeles Times review made it out to be. But pretty weak lemonade compared with the “real deal,” which I see is coming on this Saturday, a movie I loved the very first time I saw it as a child and darn if my admiration hasn't continued to grow over the years. What a glorious movie this is! How it just dives right in and revels in the Grand Gesture, the Noble Countenance, the Glorious Physique, the Ripest of Lines. Watching the TV movie was like looking at some drab little “realistic” painting in a gallery. DeMille’s version was like going into the Louvre to look at a giant, gaudy canvas by David that is a frantic tumult of composition, color and emotion; and however much your reasoning mind tells you that it is somehow claptrap, you can’t resist enjoying the hell out of it. How do I love The Ten Commandments? Let me count the ways:
And my number one reason for loving this movie: